
         Leonna Sylvester has an innovative mind that brings forth new and creative ways to advance how we live. Her simplistic, yet detailed, approach yields a new vision for our everyday lives. With a lengthy background in fields such as customer care, product development and branding, web development, moderator and management, Leonna is investing her time in developing new and innovative products and services. She currently has 6 apps (ThenTagIt, E-Yolo, Channel Buster, Letter Magic, Caribbean Radio, and xLock) in the app store and is working on three other apps (Quid, Tutor Wars and Red Room). Just last week, she launched NYCStayConnected, a company teaching people to be more tech savvy. Leonna received her bachelor’s degree in business administration and international business from the New York Institute of Technology and has recently completed her master’s degree in technology management and innovation from Polytechnic Institute of New York University. She is the owner of Brooklyn Freecycle Organization, a group with over 24,000 members and an investor, volunteer and fundraiser for Verizon Foundations: Hopeline, Tools for Schools and Shower for the Shelter. Leonna has a passion for seeing the dreams of tomorrow become a reality today. With ambitions of opening the gateway to a better and simpler life, she dedicates herself to just that. We can expect much more to come from this bright and innovative mind in the near future.